Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Message from the Dean

Assoc. Prof. Kishor Chandra Dahal, PhD




I have the pleasure of extending a warm welcome to each and every one of you on the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) official website of Tribhuvan University (TU). The purpose of this website is to inform you about our notices, features, activities, and programs related to academics, research, and extension. The IAAS is Nepal's first agricultural institute for education. Currently, the IAAS is an autonomous academic institute of TU for imparting education in agriculture, animal sciences, and veterinary sciences.


The mission of the institute is to train manpower for agricultural development, focusing on teaching, research, and extension. The main objective of the institute is to design and implement educational programs with appropriate balance between established and emerging needs in the agricultural sector, introduce innovative ways of teaching, research and technology dissemination, and promote research and studies catering to the needs of farmers in the country. IAAS has been making continuous and strenuous efforts to tackle issues of concern in agricultural education in Nepal since its inception. In the course of time, many of the programs started in the past have been modified and/or upgraded to attune the role in addressing the pressing needs and priorities of the agricultural sector in the country. At present, IAAS offers two PhD degrees (Agricultural Sciences and Animal Sciences), four degrees at master levels (M.Sc. Ag., M.Sc. An.Sc., M.Sc. Aqua, and M.V.Sc.), and three degrees at undergraduate levels (B.Sc. Ag., B.V.Sc. & A.H., and B.Sc. Hort.) at the postgraduate program of the dean office, four constituent campuses, and four affiliated campuses/programs across the country.


The institute has proven its’ academic excellence through competent human resource development since five decades. I am committed to the best quality agricultural education at least in Nepal and promise that the academic environment will be further improved with excellence and innovation.